Thursday, November 29, 2007

value voters priorities

Richard Land says we shouldn't hate value voters because they want to ban abortion and gay marriage. He is the primary author of the Land Letter, so try to put what he says in context: he supports the Iraq war but somehow values life (at least the lives of his fellow baptists).

He believes that reducing abortions by making them illegal is the way to go. I disagree and think that we need to reduce the the need for people to have abortions in the first place but that women need to be able to freely choose to have or not to have children. Priorities shimorities.

His statement that "marriage is anything but a personal, private relationship" is fine, I agree that recognizing a relationship is not personal, but societal. Richard Land needs to be aware that by not recognizing same sex relationships, christians are marginalizing gays and lesbians. For some reason he needs to be "convinced" that same sex relationships have value to gays and lesbians (I don't see where it is his business) and until he is convinced he will stand in the way of those relationships existing. If those are his priorities I think we have the right to hate him for it.

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