Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy Guiliani for president. Everyone is quite quick to point out that Rudy is not a supporter of the three things that Pat Robertson is partially responsible for being in the GOP's platform: guns, gays and god.
It seems clear why Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy to me: Rudy Giuliani is the front runner and Mr. Robertson is notorious for 'predicting' the future based on what he hears in the news.
I have less respect for Rudy for acknowledging Pat Robertson. I know he has to because of politics but the minute that the front runners say to Pat, "you are a nutcase, take your fundamentalist extremism and go hide in a cave somewhere" then Pat Robertson will have no power to call down the wrath of god on people who fail to do his bidding.
Pat had another fit recently and told people that yoga is evil and a form of pantheism. I wonder if Rudy is ok with this.
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