Monday, January 22, 2007

The war without

I don't want to give the impression that I am annoyed at just the hypocrisy of christian religions. The muslim religion is just as guilty for being intolerant of other people's beliefs and way of life as any other religion (and in my opinion, MUCH worse).

It is impossibly difficult for an outsider looking at Islam to separate the difference between "extremists" (who see Christians as the enemy) and "moderates" (who see atheists as the enemy) and to have any sympathy for a religion when half of the daily violence in the world is caused by "religious" people who think they are going to heaven. Where does that idea come from?

Less is written by muslims in English expressing thier views than most christian religions so I will write less about them. Rather than fighting a jihad they should blog. It is probably a better way of releasing frustration than blowing themselves up.

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